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Record your accomplishments by earning a Swift Digital Badge.


These badges are earned through a combination of training, apprenticeship and real-world experience building and modernizing modern applications, systems and systems of systems using the Swift Method for Modern Software Development.


In the complex world of containers, distributed applications, cloud providers, mission critical and military grade systems of systems, individuals holding a Swift Badge have proven they bridge the gap between theory and practice by cutting through the noise to understand simply "how the system wants to behave." 


And then they make it happen.


Click on a Badge to start the application process.





Understand Swift

Swift Presenters can explain the ROI of Swift, understand what problems Swift solves and can identify candidate programs.



Participate in Swift

Earners of the Swift Practitioner classification have demonstrated foundational level knowledge of the Swift Methodology. Badge owners are able to contribute to the facilitation of a project or program using the Swift Method.



Lead Swift Programs

A Swift Facilitator has a proven record of success leading programs or projects using the Swift Method.



Mentor Swift Facilitators

The owner of this badge is a proven expert facilitator. Swift instructors teach and mentor as well as contribute to the evolution of the Swift Process.

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