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The Swift Method

Explore DDD 2019 - Denver, Sept. 16-20 Are fire-breathing monoliths lurking throughout your Enterprise? Many of these ancient behemoths can be millions of lines long and can wreak havoc when trying to evolve and transform your business. Unfortunately, your business depends on services they provide, so they can't just be eliminated without a battle plan. In this session, we will discuss how to carve up your legacy dragons using the DDD heavy Swift Method which includes Event Storming, The Boris Exercise and SnapE. This method has been used to realize the Art of the Possible in several $1B+ companies over the past two years.

A Deep Dive into Modernization Patterns to Get Your Mission Critical Applications to the Cloud - Shaun Anderson, Pivotal

Shaun will be taking you through several of the most common patterns he and his colleagues have compiled from experience on more than 45 modernization projects. These technical patterns were driven out by the desire to strangle business critical functionality out of legacy monoliths and push to the cloud without impacting current business flow. These patterns can be used to move functionality to the cloud in days and weeks rather than months and years.

Pattern Categories include:

* Strangling the Monolith

* Event Shunting

* Proxies / Facades / Adapters

* Gateways

The Fallacy of OKRs and How to Find the Right Measurements of Success

Objectives and key results (OKRs) have quickly become the buzzword of the industry. Companies often see OKRs as a silver bullet to solve all their challenges. However, without the OKRs tied to a larger initiative, you may achieve your goals but you won't see the larger scale change you seek. Learn how to create meaningful measurements that give you real insight into both your company-wide initiatives and how each team is creating change week over week. Felicia, Katie, and Ani will pull from the approximately 200 engagements with the Pivotal Application Transformation Team across several industries within the US and other geographies.

Tools to Slay the Fire Breathing Monoliths in Your Enterprise

Are fire-breathing monoliths lurking throughout your Enterprise? Many of these ancient behemoths can be millions of lines long and can wreak havoc when trying to evolve and transform your business. Unfortunately, your business depends on services they provide, so they can’t just be eliminated without a battle plan. The Pivotal App Transformation practice has continuously refined approaches and techniques to slay your monoliths. In this session, we will discuss how to carve up your legacy dragons into manageable pieces using techniques and patterns such as Event Storming, Strangling, Starving, Slice Analysis and Domain Driven Decomposition. Monolith slaying is not easy, but with the right tools and weapons at your disposal, your journey to the Cloud can be as easy as a stroll through the forest.

Buckets, Funnels, Mobs and Cats or: How We Learned to Love Scaling Apps To The Cloud

Migrating legacy apps to the cloud can be daunting! Techniques, tools, and patterns exist to aid with the journey. We spoke last year about the wheel of transformation on just such topics. What if you have 100s (or 1000s?) of application to migrate? How do you scale your teams, and processes to rapidly transform applications to be cloud friendly, and beyond? We have field tested ways that can help, and well show you how it can be done. Well talk about how you can use funnels and buckets to move applications. How mobs, pathfinders, and mitosis can scale your migration efforts. And even how you can unleash a cat on your code to prowl for problems and traps.

Which Application Modernization Pattern Is Right For You?

App modernization projects are hard. Enterprises are looking to cloud-native platforms like Pivotal Cloud Foundry to run their applications, but they’re worried about the risks inherent to any re-platforming effort. Fortunately, several repeatable patterns of successful incremental migration have emerged. In this webcast, Google Cloud’s Prithpal Bhogill and Pivotal’s Shaun Anderson discuss best practices for app modernization and securely and seamlessly routing traffic between legacy stacks and Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

©2019 - 2021 by Shaun Anderson

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